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Or this argument "people from other religions commit terrorist attacks therefore Islamic terrorism isn't a threat and all religions are the same"

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God, this already.
"Someone killed innocent Muslims therefor Islam is peaceful and Muslims are oppressed"
How braindead do you have to be to think Islam is peaceful?

Games journalists are hated by gamers, because gamers know that they're not there to cover gaming.

"I'm not saying Pewdiepie is responsible for a mass shooting, but..."


> Matka vezla svou dceru tÅímající transparent vzývající klimatickou odpovÄdnost na demonstraci. SamozÅejmÄ vozem.

paint me shocked
@matrix @nepfag I realy don't get why 8chans getting blamed and gargon is repeating this tripe from antifa thugs. It's the shooters fault and not twitter or 8chans

I have to admit, the guy wasn't an idiot. He wrote a perfect bait and the idiots swallowed it all.

I want to see that livestream just for that moment. I hope someone recorded it.

My prediction:
The manifesto will be used to completely dismiss any concerns someone might have about Islam and mass migration by associating the one expressing them with the shooter and all his beliefs.

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