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I guess the bot would have to query the database every now end than, it wouldn't be as good as Pleroma's, but still usable.

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[chewing on something] so.... when does mastosoc shutdown?

If you don't know where to go after shutdown, has open registrations, hands off moderation and no overbearing rules.

People from Niu, if you're looking for a new instance, mine has registrations always open.

I want make a block bot sorta like Pleroma has, but without touching Mastodon's code.

>tfw no hot libertarian GF who wants to be a housewife

What do ancoms mean when they say that capitalism can't exist without the state? Without the state, there's no one to enforce property rights? Print money?

turns out MVMT watched is a scam. Watches are just $3 alibaba watches marked up to $80+

Hell, I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.