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> New expansion for Elite Dangerous will add tens of thousands of locations to the game

And there won't be anything worth seeing in any of them.
@tuxcrafting @matrix hes transitioning from cripple to full-time potato. transpotato
@matrix Did the finns find the cure to cunny addiction?

I'm going to the hospital to finally get medication I've been waiting for my entire life. I'm probably the first one in the country.

Looks great even on medium. I'm getting really annoyed that Exynos starts thermal throttling so quickly.

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In light of this incident, due to their breach of company guidelines and contract, Akai Haato and Kiryu Coco will be suspending their talent activities for 3 weeks, and we will be ensuring that our guideline training is more thorough going forward.

All for mentioning some channel stats and acknowledging Taiwan exists. Wow!

Which presidential candidate will soil themselves during next week's debate?

South Park Corona-chan special premiere is tomorrow :pogchamp:

@brother @coolboymew @maxmustermann Of course migration is natural. But diversity push is not natural, it's a thing being done to you, by people, who have names and addresses.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.