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So I got the racial slurs of the day bot written. Should I even bother putting it on

As much as I'd like to see Clubhouse fail it's a bit ridiculous the media is running with a "leak" of user data... It's all public profile stuff

I wonder how much effect are the Covid restrictions are going to have on this year's Ramadan Bombathon

Instead of saying ACAB(all cops are bastar*ds) we should start saying ACAS(all cops are sus). Think about it, it's less offensive and it only shows that we think that a cop might be sus(suspicious) of something but not necesseraly guilty of it. It's the same thing in the popular game amogus with thinking that all red players are impostors really. This might sound stupid but hear me out. Statistically, every player regardless of their color has the same chance of being the impostor, yet, there is this social stigma that only red players are impostors. However, players of Amugus have developed this great system that will help them show their suspicion on someone without saying that they are the impostor(in case that they actually aren't). They say that someone is 'sus' so nobody gets their feelings hurt. We can apply this knowledge to the real world, right? If everyone can be an impostor in amongsus, regardless of their color, so can anyone be a bastard in real world, regardless of their task(job as some low inteligence individuals might call it).

Personal data of 1.3 million Clubhouse users has reportedly leaked online | Business Insider

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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