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holding a girl's hand must be fucking heaven

the french language be like "what if spanish was fucking gay and annoying"

> Miloš Zeman se vrátil do ÚVN s covidem. Páteční jmenování Petra Fialy premiérem se odkládá, nový termín není znám


(he's vaccinated and everything, this most likely will not kill him, though if it did, that would be fun)
I did find japanese crazy culture today.
I went to adult shops today I found " Pants Gacha".
you can't understand? I agree that opinion.
When I found that gacht, I thought " What the F this Gacha!? Why we have like that fucking crazy machine?".
This gacha is get a pants for 5 dollar.
You put $5 to in the machine and you turen the wheel. You can get a pants.
Oh,my god…Why I was born crazy hentai country in the world. That's really crazy.
If varis user hear that information,they will be crazy.
I'll show you evidence video.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

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