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"Earlier this year, they published an article on the “State of Hate” that characterised Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party (which oversaw record levels of immigration) as harbouring a “Radical Right insurgency”. And in the midst of England’s anti-immigration riots, their CEO falsely claimed that a Muslim woman had been doused with acid."

The least biased NGO :omegalul:

Why is there a mosquito biting me in fucking October? :jahyrage:

It also took me like 30 minutes to find an uranium deposit

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Since Wednesday I played about 25 hours of Factorio. I have just researched the rocket and I'm preparing to launch. This took me probably like 100 hours when I played version 0.17 and had no idea what I was doing.
I also really need to be working on school stuff :monkas:

It's kinda nice to know that this year's CPU generation offers basically 0 performance improvements. This means my rig will hold out a bit longer.

Blacks Ops 6 campaign has a zombie mission and you can glory kill them :pepeLaugh2:

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.