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@nosleep I'm gonna try suspending and hope it fixes it.

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Please tell me list of instances hosted on AWS, Azure or Google Clouds so I can laugh at them.

re: Misogyny, neg 

@DetectiveHyde @Gargron I thought the mastodon network⢠was free of nazis

what the fuck

Misogyny, neg 

Ugh, I can't BELIEVE that #Mastodon is used by disgusting shitlords like the alt-right trolls on

What is @Gargron going to do about this?
i'll DJ one day and then lili will know true suffering
minecraft turns you altright

confirmed right here folks
not using mobile data is easy when you never go outside!
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.