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This website is honestly disgusting. No wonder Google banned you mega assholes. How do you horrible fucknuggets live with yourselves? You dumb fucking nazis just can't leave anybody alone can you, you always need to get the last laugh. Fuck you. FUCK. YOU. You guys post RACIST DOGSHIT on here constantly but smile and nod whenever you see a person of color in real life, you racists are all the same, I've met all sorts of white trash like you and they've never called me a ni**er to my face or any of the other horrible things that you guys say because you're all insecure manchildren. You act like you're so politically aware and the whites are "in danger" and you don't even know about how each and every corporation and company that you buy things from ties right back into racist, sexist, divisive governments like South Africa and their ally Israel(SUPPORTING ACTUAL APARTHEID WITH YOUR CARELESSNESS). Whatever. You guys are disgusting. fuck you. You'll never learn because you're all closed-minded and won't even consider what I have to say. I hope you all die and I'm never coming back here again.

“Reeee! Attractive girls with big tits DON’T EXIST!” - SJWs

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.