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@io it harms peopleâs perception of trans people so much, the amount of people that are surprised that I can actually behave in a normal manner without insulting everyone and getting offended by everything is insane. i get so much abuse from people who simply are reacting to the vocal idiots who canât just be nice to other people and set an example
how do i submit my soul to john carmack and john romero
@miya @saga @miya @nik @xeno

The rules seem to be:

- Conservative Speech is Violence
- Leftist Violence is Speech
Uživatel Solid Sanek lajknul váš Retweet
Last night I had a dream. It wasn't some magical, prophetic dream, it was a dream about a video game that doesn't exist but I REALLY WISH IT DID.

The game was a *tiny* bit like the classic Source engine game, The Ship, in that it took place primarily on a cruise ship and your character had physical and psychological needs represented by a series of gauges - kind of like The Sims. You rolled your character with no knowledge of what to expect of the game, only that you're playing as a crew member on a tourist cruise. What could possibly go wrong?

The game had two phases:

1: The actual "missions" of the game, which had nothing but the story in common. Even the genre changed! The best example I can think of for this is either the much maligned Back to the Future Mega Drive game, or the Game Center CX games for the DS. Basically, it was intended to be an overall test of gaming skill. One level had you performing in a dance routine for the tourists. Another was about diving. Another was a top-down segment about saving tourists from pirates on an island, that played like a slower paced and more tactical Hotline Miami.

2: The "Ship sections" of the game, which took place between missions. These were all about tending to your character's needs and advancing their attributes. Mission completion, optional mission goals and good performance contributed to an EXP system that could be used to increase various things about your character, with no context as to how they might affect the unpredictable future missions. During these sections, your character would automatically tend to their most pressing needs, or you could manually override them - a lonely character would automatically hit up a bar, or a character who had gotten filthy would take a shower.

This sounds bizarre and pretty fun, right? Like an auteur game. Some Suda 51 thing.

Except, I made my character @karen !

Poor Karen. She was doing well at the missions, but every time she earned a level, I used it to increase her libido. Her sexual arousal gauge kept going up and I NEVER chose it as her activity in the Ship sections.

Eventually she started to default to masturbation whenever left to her own devices. I would let her get close to orgasm and then manually cancel her masturbation and make her do something else.

Eventually you could see her legs shaking in missions. She had a desperate, glazed over look in her eyes. Other characters would ask her if she was alright. She started to whine "need to cummmmm..." to herself under her breath and rub herself subconsciously.

Finally she looked so desperate that I wanted to watch her cum, so I let her frantically try and wring an orgasm out of her desperate body. And then she got interrupted before she could climax by another crew member who made her go and fix something she'd fucked up in a prior mission due to being too horny to function properly.

I never let her cum at all, even when her libido stat was maxed. :3

She deserved it.

Eurogamer. Another joke of a website. They even manage to mention Trump in a video game review and imply an adult character isn't actually an adult. :WakeUpInside:

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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