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@Ste1lar @Technowix the guy struggles to correctly pronounce most of the german names and rehashes the old soviet propaganda and even his basic point is bullshit.

For a supposed transphobe, there's a bit too much trans people on my TL. :thonkjail:

Japan, you may have the law on your instance, you have to move the entire 59GB. It's sad that the publisher did this even get made?

Does any one know a place where a can find a boyfriend who'll use them for audio.

Gameing, Factorio 

So I've started playing Factorio again after the new update.

I'm loving the new updates so far. The new train GUI is really well done, it's very useful to be able to just summon a train to your location with a Ctrl+Click and it's nice to see what path the train is planning on taking.

The biters are a lot stronger now, I'm sure that more of them attack you at once so I'm going for a mainly solar powered base to hopefully greenwash my industry enough to avoid the worse of it.
2019-03-03 22_12_45-Factorio 0.â¦
2019-03-03 22_21_44-Factorio 0.â¦
2019-03-03 22_24_35-Factorio 0.â¦
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.