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seems the new hot topic on fediverse is that doing something about crime is bad

wish i was at least surprised by it

> never believe a girl when he
virgin mastodon:

- needs sponsors
- seeks validation from tumblr users
- unsure what to do about switter
- mascot is a farting elephant

chad pleroma:

- sponsors competing projects
- gets users by being the best
- used to power a premium camgirl site
- represents the fullness of god's glory

*arrests people for my 9 year old me: Pokemon is dumb and boring.

It's fine now, but the install crashed the explorer process and it wouldn't restart so I had to reset the PC.
Booting up took a while and logging in took like 2 minutes.

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Looks like ownCloud client update broke my Windows install. WTF? How?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.