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"Men are violent, here is my creationist-tier social sciences blog that somehow qualifies as an academic dissertation. Shut up, bigot!"

Every time I hear people say "gamer" with a hard R, I hurt inside.

That's our word, and it is not okay.

Rare cases are instances with "problematic" posts.

human rights are a repulsive, Disgusting, garbage, worthless peice of shit GO AWAY

I just decided what's going on, but she spends a lot of qt Japanese girls on Twitter too... :thonkjail:

if you love posting so much why dont you MARRY IT

Tim Pool is gonna get fucking lynched for being on that podcast and for grilling Jack.

"A 2017 lawsuit accused Google of underpaying women."
"Google pay equity analysis leads to raises for thousands of men"


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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.