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@âwaifu@â @âkaren@â I'm a creepy edgelord only on the new swastika

Is it possible to get a Anycast IP and a European VM that would cache media and people in Europe would go through the European VM to the US one and people in US would go straight to the US one?

cvcvcv is right. Unicode is growing like a fucking cancer.

@jack ??? unicode is CONSTANTLY GROWING like a fucking cancer.
uni code is an UN ENDING fucking CANCER, they will NEVER STOP, there is NO LIMIT, disgusting, DEGENERATE fucking FREAKS, INJECT IDEAS into HOW WE TALK, fucking niggers fucking RETARDS, there is NO END

Amazing how #facebook just leaks everyone's phone number and doesn't let you disable that. Perhaps they can learn from the privacy settings in #nextcloud? Not even talking of the fact that we keep data on your own server, of course...
For years Facebook claimed the adding a phone number for 2FA was only for security. Now it can be searched and there's no way to disable that.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.