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Emojis on are stored on, because Misskey doesn't let you upload custom emojis and I'm too lazy to do anything about it.

Kotaku Writer Thinks "Skyrim" is a Video Game Series :omegalul:
"blockbuster role-playing video game series like Final Fantasy, World of Warcraft and Skyrim"

Game journos don't play video games

>Windows is bad because it's locked down and full of spyware
>Let's buy a fucking console

This test is the ultimate meritocracy where only your skill matters. It's the internet. Everything is possible and nothing makes sense.

@âorekix@â Reminder that most posts cited as reason for genocide.

@âweeb@â @âzemichi@â I can already relate to the highly religious voters.

"I'm against book burning of any kind. But this is our book, and we’re allowed to take out a chapter."
Yes, lick the fucking boot

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.