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lol imagine your biggest worry being that the world is trying to kill you for your identity and not that all your friends are against you because you're a piece of shit :DDDDDDDDDD
>Windows appears to be getting a little smarter about updates that go wrong. A newly published support page (spotted by Windows Latest) describes what the operating system does when a recent update causes a boot failure. First, Windows will uninstall the update and revert to a configuration that should work correctly. It will then block the update for 30 days.

>mandatory unavoidable update for windows 10
>boot fails
>reverting updates
>boot fails
>reverting reverts of updates
>boot fails
>reverting reverts of reverts
>boot fails, hdd is ruined, computer explodes

British people are the last group of people on earth to talk of national sovereignty.

Imagine blocking an instance because its admin is right-wing. Something you've heard before, I'm sure.

Code learned journalism instead of journalists learning to code.

Instance-blocking GNU/Smug should be a crime
>Grown man uses something for little girls
>Grown woman has to use something with "for men⢠on it"
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.