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@âyolo@â Join my Fascist⢠instance along with free speech you communist faggot

@kaniini I disagree that self-determination is a leftist concept, I see leftism as fundamentally a constricting, collectivist movement and train of thought, based on ideas like "all men are equal", which are well intentioned, but ultimately undermine individuality. Such ideas are counter to the nature of humanity as good as they might be on paper, as utopic as they sound. We can be equal in not being stopped from succeeding or failing on our own, but we'll never be equal in skill, wealth or success.

The left is a "revolutionary" movement, at the same time corrupting the concept of revolution from an emancipating action towards a functional part of the perpetration of power structures.

The right is guilty of establishing power structures as well, and generally they do so by establishing hierarchies and determining specific icons or classes as beacons of authority that justify their power structure.

But the left doesn't rebel against the right to create personal freedom and liberation, it convinces people that they're rebelling against power while in fact corroding a type of authority that is honest and forward about being hierarchical and authoritarian to establish a treasonous type of authority based on making people believe giving up their power is freedom.

A good example of this is the statist obsession of the left, ideas like "let's use the state to tax everyone and then redistribute the wealth" ignoring the fact that making the state redistribute it consumes a great portion of that wealth in administration, logistics, paying for people to collect taxes and then distribute the money, et cetera. At the end of the day all it manages to do is cause everyone at every level to have less wealth by wasting it on something that goes nowhere.

Traditional leftist doctrine is at the end of the day nothing but the erosion of individual rights like the right to property and self-defense under the idea that it's liberating and egalitarian when in fact it just makes people slaves not at a practical level, but at a conceptual level. A physical chain takes only a few solid strikes of a hammer to break, a conceptual chain takes monumental effort to undo.

Modern leftist doctrine is even worse, as with concepts like marginality, "social justice", and all that, instead of making everyone willing slaves, it outright tries to create a reverse social pyramid. It is the most blatant expression of racism, sexism, bigotry and oppression in modern history. And that reverse social pyramid at the same time sits at the very bottom of another pyramid which harvests wealth and joy from the misery of everyone involved. It's an extremely efficient factory of poverty and unhappiness. And that's the left in the modern west. The modern right isn't great, but at least it's honest about what it is.

Now libertarian ideas do aim for self-determination, they're self-determination made doctrine in fact. That's what direct selling, for example, represents. Free enterprise and working for oneself. The USA as a concept was built as a libertarian country, something that all big political players since have tried to undo, in the process turning the state of the USA into a massive machine to undermine freedom locally and globally. But libertarianism is hostile to both left and right, and sits in the grounds of neither. Libertarianism nowadays is associated with the right simply because the modern left is so much more authoritarian than the modern right, but is not right wing at all. Sadly it's also corrupted by adjective-anarchism movements that also aren't truly libertarian.

To "help the marginalized" the machine that marginalizes must be undone, and the left only reinforces it, it just tries to create a new pseudo-VIP class. People attain freedom and dignity by themselves, not through "affirmative action" and sabotaging everyone else. As long as ideas like marginalism exist, the majority of people in such groups will remain marginal as they don't understand that playing the game is perpetrating it, you only get out by personal growth and openly refusing to be a part of the game, to be a tool for someone that wants power in your name and at everyone else's expense.

Cutting the heads of nobles helps no one, all it does is stop the production of wealth from the nobles' successful enterprises and give the power from nobility to ideological commissars and "revolutionary" leaders and backers that will simply institute a more oppressive regime, as they know how the last one was toppled and by extension where to place guns so the same method can't topple theirs. The nobles are the right and the "revolutionary" leaders are the left. Both prey on liberty, just the former honestly and the latter under a façade of liberation.

"I think the US has always been a leftist country, the very concept of self-determination is a leftist concept after all!"

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