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I wanna use the Intel GPU on my server for HW encoding. It's listed in lspci but when I try ffmpeg it says: No VA display found for device /dev/dri/renderD128

Do I need to install something?

Discord is now unusable on iOS

"Additionally, all users on the iOS platform (including those aged 18+) will be blocked from joining and accessing NSFW servers. iOS users aged 18+ will still be able to join and access NSFW communities on the desktop and web versions of Discord."

Violent fiction doesn't create violence. Human fascination with violence creates violent fiction.

I find myself thinking about this classic sometimes.

[Enomoto Heights] Are You Satisfied Now!? [Tadanohito]

1980 computer engineer: what if we make this thing, that allows people to communicate over the internet! we'll be able to write to each other much more efficiently, i can't wait to see how people will use our technology in 40 years

2021 fedi user: jkljtgkljalhasgflkhdsfgdsfgklj
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.