Baest will (not) be shutting down on November 8th.

Why? A few reasons.

1. This is getting expensive and time consuming to run.

2. God has other plans for me and trying to continue running all of this would hold me back.

3. I want to spend less time on the internet.

4. I'm a very different person and in a much different situation from when I started.

One of the main reasons I started running a fedi instance was I had a bunch of free time because I couldn't work.

I've had a great time and met lots of wonderful people.

Honestly, if it weren't for fedi I'm not sure where my life would be but probably somewhere very different and not as good. I know I wouldn't be able to give Cornbread a home.

I want to thank everyone for hanging in here with me all this time. I'm sorry I'm shutting it down. This isn't an easy decision to make and I do feel guilty about it.

Don't worry, I'm not leaving fedi and I really hope this doesn't cause any Baest users to leave fedi. I just have more important things I need to focus my time and money on. I'm at least going to make it through the election, though.

Thank you for letting me be a part of all of this for all of these years. I am extremely thankful.

Edit: it seems revolver will be ready before then so @p will migrate Baest to revolver so nothing will go away. Beast will just become fully decentralized. The West hasn't fallen after all.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.