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The plastic speculative asset manufacturer Funko sent a DMCA disguised as a phishing report to's registrar. They had apparently already sent a report to their host and itch took down the content, but the registrar ended up taking down the whole domain because of it.

Of course Leafo (the itch founder) took to social media to talk about this, leading Funko to needing to do some response to the backlash.

They called Leafo's mum.

What? What did they expect to come from this?

Woman stops simping for a murderer when she finds out he doesn't like her phone addiction

Vous avez toujours voulu savoir ce qui se passait si le projet du quidam du Nebraska avait un jour un bug ?
(moi je voulais, alors j'ai essayé)

#XKCD #dependency #blender

Leftists are coping that the guy they were celebrating isn't their guy

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