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mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
@nosleep i have purchased maybe ten games in my life, mostly for business networking purposes

i own a hacked ps4 i hacked a matter of months ago
mguy3790 boosted

@matrix I legitimately had some kind of like drug dealer or whatever constantly asked me that question and I literally had candy in my pocket so I literally just handed it did them and said, you clearly need this more than me and then walked away.

mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.