its why having a mediterranean attitude towards work is always a good thing. work should only be seen as a means and a tool to better ourselves and our condition, our live should never revolve around work. even the medieval peasant farmers worked much less hours than the average american does today, and greed alongside with constant work without break only harms the body and spirit.
@ferrarilegends @n8 is that correct? Did farmers really work less than 8 hours a day? 0_o

I can't really believa that.
iirc there was a source stating that they worked about the equivalent of 20 hours a week or so

@ferrarilegends This actually is pretty common, at least what I heard when I lived in Hawaii. The Europeans and Americans thought they were lazy because the Hawaiians were relaxing and vibing at 9am but in reality they got up at dawn and were very community focused and oriented — start work at dawn, everyone helps everyone how they can and if needed — boom. You're done by 9~10am. @dioma @n8

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