@ferrarilegends it's really common for some reason to see Arabs as lazy and not wanting to work (in fairness, nobody wants to work, honestly) but the harsh fact is that they're strongly protective of the "life" in "work life balance". They find it really strange that White people have been duped into working more than 40hrs a week and then treating it as a flex. @n8
@ferrarilegends Funny enough a buddy of mine agreed with this. "sure we were poor as shit but at least we were experiencing a life more than 2 days every week or so, and then 10 years before we die."
Fuck me that's brutal.
@ferrarilegends see, I used to think it was laziness, now I realize it's just giving a shit about the quality of your life. @n8
@ferrarilegends I don't really want kids of my own, it's not something I feel right about. *However* you bet your ass I'll be the cool uncle with a good apartment and cool stuff to do. @n8