
Some of my students get bullied. Probably most of them, I just don't hear about it, since they are the smart ones in their classes and they probably attract that stuff for it.

And they probably get bullied, in part, because of the colour of their skin and their cultural background is different from the people who bully them. It happened to me, and it happened to alot of nerds like me.

I do think that anti-bullying efforts often, if not usually go overboard. But to *openly encourage* racist bullying, and that's what this amounts to, it makes me wish there was a hell to send this person to.
@picandor These kids, on the other hand, who are the victims of her son, who just take the blows and turn the other cheek - *those are my people*.

The ones who hit back, too.
@picandor and yeah, it's from 2017, and it's just one person

that one person is still around, and is popular on twitter

and the person who countered them is silenced and suspended

this is twitter, in a nutshell - protecting the racist bullies, and censoring those who speak out against their escallation of violence
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