
For a show made by and for niggers, the Boondocks would 100% not happen in 2021.

@picandor Oh don't you worry!!! , I am sure someone, somewhere inside Netflix is planning a "reboot" with a "reimagined world of the Boondocks" with 500% more woke identity politics.
Mark my words.
@TheMadPirate @picandor easy sale: get rid of the white-worshipping black guy and add a black-worshipping black guy. He's so over the top! Always telling people about the black kings and queens of Egypt! Always addressing black women as "Black Queen"! Ha ha it's just like the old boondocks but also this guy murders old white men every few episodes and comically never gets caught.

@apropos @picandor I am sure a Netflix’s reboot of “The Boondocks”, all police officers are white, male and racist pigs and Slickback is now a white guy who abuses only black girls.

@picandor I always appreciated the references to White people heaven.
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