
landlord: the cost of rent has gone up

businesses: that's a natural part of doing business

suppliers: the cost of materials has gone up

businesses: that's a natural part of doing business

worker: the cost of my labor has gone up

businesses: listen here you little shit

@lain @picandor

"You don't understand, we have to raise prices because the economic conditions are so rough lately."

"Oh yeah? Just for you?"
@Senpai-kun @lain @picandor I mean, in many cases an business does have to. When your margin is thin, you can't afford to do what you want.

I know employers that tried, didn't pay themselves for 6 months and still went bankrupt.
"You stupid kids, just buy less fourteen dollar avocado toast! Ha! Burn!"
@picandor slavery didn't get abolished in the "modern" world. It was just made legal with extra steps.
Btw, no healthcare for you, and we're not letting you go home despite a tornado literally burying half of you slaves going through the factory. Be grateful you're getting holiday pay.
Please come work for us. We’ll do anything. We’ll give you free parking. We’ll give you 10 percent off in-store purchases. We’ll give you company swag where you can barely see the company logo, so it’s basically just cool free clothes. We will do literally anything to get you to work for us except pay you enough. You want a keg in the break room? You got it. You want your break in the keg room? Okay by us! What do you want? Name it, it’s yours! As long as it’s not a living wage. What about an immediate cash bonus as soon as you start working, to mask the fact that we don’t provide healthcare or enough consistent pay for you to afford rent? Is that something you want? Please say it’s something you want. We will clap for you every time you clock in. We will make you feel guilty every time you clock out. There will be a big group meeting every morning where you and your coworkers go around in a circle and tell each other what a great job you’re all doing. Does that sound like a reasonable replacement for fair monetary compensation? Look: it’s not about the money for us. Never has been! It’s about passion. It’s about community. It’s about teamwork. It’s about making you think it’s not about the money for us, when it’s actually all about the money for us, and specifically not about the money for you. Jobs aren’t for financially sustaining you—they’re for financially sustaining us. So if pay and benefits are what you’re after, you’re not going to find them in this job, or any job. But if a gift card on your birthday with your name spelled wrong that’s only valid for one month in-store is what you’re looking for, then this is the place for you! Oh, and if you get one of your friends to come work here too, we’ll throw in a recruitment bonus! That’s how much we value you! So, please come work for us. We’ll do anything you want—except, of course, pay you enough.

"We appreciate you being an essential worker!"
"How about some essential pay?"

"Thank you for working during this pandemic, now please inject yourself with this experimental shot that we haven't even finished testing yet or get blacklisted from the industry"

Could I at least get a raise?

"No get out"
@picandor On the bright side, runaway inflation means that your money will soon be worthless anyways. Unless you've got stocks (which will last as long as the government can tax Whitey to bail out Shylock) or Bitcoin, Weimar's gonna getcha either way.
@picandor remember, when you are alone, you are the littlest dog that gets kicked
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