
(Basically) nobody on the fediverse has all of the following:

- good mental health
- good physical health
- good family relationship
- good financial standing
- good time management
- good understanding of the world around them
- "good" height/weight
- good life skills
- good planning skills
- no obsessions, fixations and/or special interests of any kind


True of life in general.

The problem is that:

(a) nerds are oblivious to how the world works
(b) people who are not nerds who are on social media are an entertainment audience looking to socialize

The nerds are fine.

The second audience is a mixed bag but most of them are fucking crazy.

@picandor @picandor we should make a bingo card of this and spread it far and wide to find the exception to the rule

@picandor i have everything but arguably the last one. I obsess over setting up parallel economies and free private cities to subvert all governments.

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