@picandor I only recognize bottom right on the mexican cartoon side. No fucking clue about the rest.

@sneeden @picandor You'd think there'd be a growing interest in older Latino/Spic cartoons and comics, but it seems like that's only delegated towards critics and historians that ignore/resent most of it and promote "better" or "less harmful" works instead. While searching for each of those lovely Latina line drawings, I found an interesting story book series from Brazil called "Sítio do Picapau Amarelo" where one of the characters was a cutesy doll named Emilia. She's illustrated and portrayed in several adaptations, like most of those characters. The author (Monteiro Lobato) looks and is sharp, too. There's a notable cartoon of it nowadays that has those designs attractive enough to have artwork on Baraag. I'm sure there's more cartoons like this, but I'll look at some more later.
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