
>people are talking about Japan's birthrate again

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@picandor honestly this kind of makes sense, because Japan doesn't really need a big population it will stabilize after a certain amount of time of its population decreasing but after a point of won't decrease below that.

And if this ever does become such a big problem the Japanese will sorted out themselves. They don't need immigration to fix their problem . The problem can easily be solved with them dedicating more resources to different things like improving the lives of people to make it more viable for them to have kids.

@picandor finally Japan has such a strong culture especially with them, having massive respect for their heritage I don't think that even the West can degrade it, at certain point you can't change the culture unless you violently oppress them. this is going to sound cringe but I will stand by it... Literally and finally puts the entirety of AoT into perspective.

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