
TLDR: The new Call of Duty game will use AI to provide real time voice chat moderation.

Codbros, it's over :jahy_pain:

@picandor this is the last nail in the coffin for COD.
I've failed you Cpt. Price.
@Pawlicker @picandor That's a cool name, too bad he apparently has shit taste in vidya.
@Zerglingman @picandor look here LOOK LISTEN
Appearing offline does not stop it, so stop giving advice
@Zerglingman @Pawlicker @picandor oh boy, there's an entire 3 hour documentary about this guy. It's kinda like the Chris-chan story: a mix of personal retardness and sperginess with the internet being the internet.
@Pawlicker @Zerglingman @picandor The one where he blair witches into the wall and punches a hole in it always makes me die laughing
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