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snail finally goes to prison for mass slaughtering cuteposters/shitposters/anyone who refers to themselves as anythingposters (other than catposter), complete with madness-induced speaking in third person
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@popko @ChristiJunior @p @rasterman @matrix @redneonglow @sjw ok, for real this time.
This reply is from my phone, since I turned off my PC.

Goodnight jojo.

I finally got a hell thread going, though mk ultra isn't here.
Still, I'm sure P will be proud. :alexjonesshades:
@ArdanianRight @matrix There was the whole deal where he almost gets banned for tricking P into thinking he posted a naked picture of himself (while telling everyone he's a minor). Now, he's playing with the concept of doxing people. Jojo sounds like the kind of person to get arrested for telling police he wants to kill someone; but he was just IRL shitposting. :/
@ChristiJunior @diresock I still think that's a big difference. MK-Ultra was a lot more annoying with his hellthread habit and uninspired tranny porn spam. Jojo has a distinct flavour to his posting. Like a unique brand of wine.

At least he doesn't post porn at people.

...except for that one time when he maybe did. P was very angry. Not even Folk got him that angry, that I saw. LOL
@rasterman @ChristiJunior Yeah, I got that now, my bad.
I just had this happen to me (pic), and I'm a bit drowsy.
image.png @Ox
is ox friends with me still?

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hEY there, how are you doing?

@dave @TheMadPirate On Gab he's always threatening to quit because he can't make money anymore. I assume he's demonetized on Youtube.
@TheMadPirate Depends on the paypigs. If he has 100 true piggies he could last forever, or until they die of heart failure.
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