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A commission by @hua113

Another simple, yet very effective piece for all my fans of the younger ones out there.

Lil' boy, lil' peen, and a tight lil' butt, what else do you need? With a catboy this small and cute, you really oughta bring a friend. After all, he deserves a little drink of milk for being a good boy and letting you take that perfect rump :3 Although, I'm sure he wouldn't mind a second helping of your milk after the fact.

#shota #toddlercon #catboy

licking a chubby shota until he explodes in my mouth

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angelica susie and kimi from rugrats
you can suport me and receive lots of exclusive content on my FANBOX

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A 4 pages comic commission i drew this month. Comics are time consuming but I like how this one turned out. I need to practice more.

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:birdy: Awkward erections and where to hide them # 3
Scenario: The Pool :woah:

Oh-oh! :blobcatsurprised:

The pool has been suddenly filled by a party of little girls! :blobsweat:

Did you planned this all along, or are you just one helluva lucky guy? 🤔

Whatever the case is, obviously looking at her little tummies and wet little bodies got you rock hard. But fear not, just follow this easy steps! smuggest:

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.