l@enigma@norden.social @linmob
I have also been waiting for mine for over three years. While, I get that they are working to get caught up, I would not recommend ordering one until they have stock on the shelf.

@jlcrawf +1, I'd recommend the same thing. Especially not at the increased prices. If you're ok with the (largely theoretical) risk that comes with buying a pre-owned device, getting one from ebay or similar platforms is the way to buy one right now.

It's a different story if you just want to support their software development efforts (which are really important and have greatly contributed to the viability of #LinuxMobile), and can afford to not have the device for a while.

@linmob precisely my point of view. right now, buying a #librem5 is about supporting a good company, and about helping them get to a point where the librem 5 is financially available and mature enough for everyone.


You may be surprised how many people don't understand that point of view. They see that something like the Librem 5 or Pinephone don't meet all of their needs at once and choose to stay away from it instead of suporting them so that one day soon they can be in a place to meet their needs. Many areas of the FOSS world are like this. People want instant gratification without having to put in any effort or money.

@publiclewdness @hamblingreen I think this is very true for the Pinephone because it's a product for tinkerers and if you buy one you're joining a community of people trying to figure out the software as they go, but Purism positions themselves as a brand for privacy-conscious (and possibly non-technical) end-users as an alternative to Apple or Google. I don't think it's unreasonable for someone buying a now-$1,300 (/$2,000!) phone from them to expect that it _does_ meet all their needs at once.



They can have whatever expectations they want but if they fail to see those expectations will be crushed by doing 20 minutes of research then they have zero sympathy from me.

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