I personally think technical tools should not have an opinion on sexuality.

Which gender you associate yourself with, which one you feel attracted to, and how many there are is entirely up to the individual to decide. You do you.

Now, when I look at godotengine.org it doesn't seem to have an opinion about that. Neither does the #Godot Editor itself. So everyone calm down.

I have seen cases where software appears to dictate an opinion about sexual identity, but Godot really isn't one of them.


You do you. I will no longer will donate to the project, contributors to it, or buy games using it. I find the team's conduct and response to be disgusting.

@publiclewdness @fell what's so bad about it? They made a joke, and blocked people that got bitchy. I dont see what's so wrong with that



If you don't see anything wrong with it then once again: you do you. I do not have to agree with you. The Godot project showed that they care more about bullshit politics than making a game engine and I want nothing to do with them anymore.

@publiclewdness @fell

> The Godot project showed that they care more about bullshit politics than making a game engine

Ah yes, one tweet outwheighs thousand and thousand of hours of developpement time

@Blisterexe @fell

Didn't seem to matter how many hours those who got banned from their Github put in did it ? It isn't just the one tweet, it's the whole response to it. Still doesn't stop you from supporting it. Go wild, support what you want to as will I.

@publiclewdness @fell ? Every person banned from the github sent hateful messages, breaking github's and godot's pre-existing tos, its not due to their personal views.

They can also still view, download, modify and republish the code, the only change is that they cant interact with official issues and pull requests


@Blisterexe @fell

Hateful is subjective and these days one of those words that has nearly lost meaning. You're trying to sell someone a good they no longer wish to purchase. Godot is dead to me. Nothing you say will make me view them in a more favorable light. Just as nothing I say will make you view them in a less favorable light.

@publiclewdness @fell

> Hateful is subjective

They were using slurs 😭, if you're homophobic just ssy so



"phobia is when you have intense or even overpowering fear and anxiety in certain situations or when you encounter certain objects. While phobias can involve the same things as ordinary fears, the effects of phobias are more severe. In the most severe cases, people with phobias critically limit their lives to avoid encountering what they fear."


I have zero fear of gays.

@publiclewdness @fell
Maybe look up the whole definition first dumbass.

homophobia /hō″mə-fō′bē-ə/

1. Fear, hatred, or mistrust of lesbians and gay men.

2. A strong dislike or fear of homosexuals, especially to an unreasonable degree.

3. Fear, dislike, or hate of homosexuals.

4. A pathological fear of mankind.

5. Prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality.



Fear is in every single bullet point you made haha. No need to get sensitive there. Fosstodon has rules against that.

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