I had a relaxing day yesterday playing with the OpenBox window manager on a ThinkPad X270 laptop (my daily driver).

The color matching of the icons and the rofi accent color turned out well. I usually just go with the defaults most of the time, but the defaults on a basic OpenBox install are too limited.

I learned a lot about the OpenBox rc.xml configuration, set a lot of my own keybinds. It was an enjoyable experience.

The rofi window switching works so well, taking you to exactly the window that you want even if it is on a different desktop.

#openbox #rofi #devuan #linux #thinkpad


Will 22.1 feature a newer version of Mate or Mesa ? Didn't see either listed but figured I would ask.

🚨BREAKING: The Biden Administration just announced $1B for “conservation of the Ecuadorian Amazon.”

They could just as easily announce funds for victims of hurricane Helene.

They hate you. These people are truly anti-American. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1717291613648064512


May have to change "Florida Man" to "Florida Person". Or is this his wife ?


People are worried they're going after pensions and medicare yet there is so much fluff they can go after first. I think that is the true fear of many politicians: exposing just what asinine things the govt spends money on.

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