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The change of the @opensuse bug reporting add clarity and transparency for contributors. There should be larger utilization and amount of publicly accessible bugs in both #openSUSE Leap and SUSE Linux Enterprise.

Harddrive firmware upgrade utilities were very impressive to me. Having seen the SSD counterpart I'd have to say that it is far more impressive and to be expected. Hardware builders can't write good firmware and a good toolkit is needed to make a drive functional again.

The SSD utility has the same simple elegance as the HDD utility. The complexity, security, capability and languages used are astonishing in the SSD utility. I have yet to get to the actual firmware but this is beautiful. It seems that large portions were actually written in ASM. It's not as cool as the time I got to mess with missile guidance code. With how well this is written, I would recommend that anyone with an S11 based SSD (A large portion of the market) upgrade to the latest firmware with the official tools provided. I'll push forward but these people have just shown me that they can build good hardware and software.

Why pay taxes or buy a business license if the government closes roads and closes businesses?

The FSF is one of the carefully selected charitable organizations across the US that federal, some state and local employees can donate through payroll deductions, support #FreeSoftware by supporting the FSF in Combined Federal Campaign. #CFC

i finally got around to installing #towboot on my #pinephone with the GUI installer, and it works great out of the box! no hassles or anything. a nice uniform boot experience with great features and (so far) stability. i probably won't make a blog post about it because i don't know much about it's development. thanks to the tow-boot team for making this possible!

@icare4america @Bleukitty @CDuBois @SomeLadyinVA @cully45

The $100 Billion COVID Fraud And Counting

"... According to the assessment, at least $163 billion in pandemic UI benefits may have been wrongfully paid out of the $872.5 billion in payouts, “with a significant portion attributable to fraud,” he claimed. The true rate is almost certainly greater. .."

Note, no mention of the billions paid to hospitals & docs for all the ...

@icare4america @DrFell @h53pilot @Andre @Bleukitty @CDuBois @JesseStone

Semper Fi- and two-toned nail polish

The Dept of the Air Force this week said it was now allowing individual members of the military to list the pronouns they wanted to be known by — including he/him, she/her and they/them — in the “signature block” that also includes the poster’s name, rank, service affiliation, ...

to be cont

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.