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Good news, everyone!

The newly released #Pixabay plugin for #ONLYOFFICE is already available allowing you to insert royalty-free images when working with texts.

While testing #Plasma6 (thanks to T.C. Berner and his ports overlay), I couldn't help taking a screenshot of the new #KDE running on #FreeBSD 14.0-STABLE.

DRM ruins efforts at historical preservation. If all of our media is locked up in digital streaming platforms -- which will go under eventually -- how will it be preserved for future generations? Live DRM-free instead: #EndDRM #DRM

This week's donation went to Clayton Craft, aka "Craftyguy". He is a core developer on the PostmarketOS project among other contributions.

PostmarketOS is a great distro for the Pinephone among other devices. It is based off of Alpine Linux and uses OpenRC instead of Systemd. It also is one of the few mobile distros that offer an actual installer for the Pinephone as well as full disk encryption.

Craftyguy has a presence on Gitlab; Mastodon; Matrix and has a blog:

He accepts donations through Liberapay using Stripe.
2D boxing game "Dazzling Fighter" was released recently. It combines a turn based fighting system with stat training. It has a native Linux version, is available DRM free on Itch, has a playable demo, and was made using the FOSS Godot engine.
2D platforming adventure game "Luna the Fox" was released recently. It has a native Linux version, is available DRM free on Itch, and was made using the FOSS Godot engine.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.