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We've released #PuTTY version 0.81. This is a SECURITY UPDATE, fixing a #vulnerability in ECDSA signing for #SSH.

If you've used a 521-bit ECDSA key (ecdsa-sha2-nistp521) with any previous version of PuTTY, consider it compromised! Generate a new key pair, and remove the old public key from authorized_keys files.

Other key types are not affected, even other sizes of ECDSA. In particular, Ed25519 is fine.

This vulnerability has id CVE-2024-31497. Full information is at

In bash, writing ${var?} instead of just ${var} or $var means if var isn't defined then bash will throw an error and _not_ execute your command, instead of expanding it to "" and carrying on.

mv file1 file2 $subdir # oops, I overwrote file2
mv file1 file2 ${subdir?} # error message instead of disaster

My favourite use of this is for example commands in documentation, with placeholders for the user to fill in. Then it's OK if a user accidentally copy-pastes it _without_ filling them in!

Bill Gates is a British Crown knight worth 100 billion and he is involved with electronic harassment, bribery, and financing human trafficking networks as well as genocidal vaccine agendas.
I am thinking to replace my website
to a more modern layout, created by for example by Hugo. My website doesn't scale well with modern mobile devices. also casual users can't see the beauty of raw HTML/CSS

Feel free to boost

#website #html #css #hugo #gohugo
Should I:

Proud of my progress in #emacs. Following along with System Crafter's excellent intro series on Emacs from Scratch. 1. Found my config file and added a few basics (line numbers and theme). 2. Finally got MELPA packages working and installed org-bullets for #orgmode.

I'm a lifelong learner, and this combo of writing, coding, and thinking really scratches several itches for me. Trying not to let it convince me I'm actually being "productive", but it's a lot of fun when things work!

Got #obsidian set up and synced using Obsidian Sync on my #linuxmint install. That's a big yay.

Now we'll start the #orgmode vs #obsidian tussle. May the better solution win.

Got to say that finding a good syncing solution for orgmode is critical. And github isn't it. Suggestions welcome.

And #linuxmint just auto-detected my printer. That's super impressive and not like linux used to be. I was having problems printing from WSL2, but this is great. I might just move in. #emacs super zippy as previously reported.

📢 Woohoo! Version v6.1.15 of Firefly III has just been released 🎉. Check it out over at GitHub, Docker, or download it using your favorite package manager.

#opensource #oss #newrelease #php #software #personalfinance #selfhosted

Do you really know your State Bar?

It's made up of judges and former attorneys, who don't give a crap about anything legal!
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.