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LibreOffice is everywhere! And not just on computers – but at events around the world. At the weekend, community members attended FrOSCon in Germany, to answer questions and give out cool merch: #foss #OpenSource

Democrats have successfully erased women from their convention.
It seems that AMD has been collaborating with FreeBSD to develop a complete FreeBSD AMD IOMMU driver. This would better support the Epyc CPUs on FreeBSD and improve support for more than 256 CPU cores. Hopefully whatever they work on is FOSS.

More of what FreeBSD has planned can be found in their second quarter status report for 2024:
Feral's "GameMode" has been updated to version 1.8.2. This update fixes four bugs and improves documentation.GameMode is a daemon/libGameMode that helps optimise Linux system performance for gaming. You can find GameMode in various distro repos and on Github. It is licensed using the BSD-3-Clause license.

The source code can be found on Github:

The release notes for this update are here:

⚰️ Tomb 2.11 is out!

Better defaults, improved support for cloakify bug fixes and more... ⬇️ 🧵

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.