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FOSS office suite "LibreOffice" has been updated to version 24.8.2. This update fixes over eighty bugs. LibreOffice can be downloaded through varius Linux distros; as a Flatpak; and as an AppImage. The code is licensed using MPL-2.0.

The main website for the project is here:

The source code is here:

More detail on this update can be found in the project blog:

The project has a presense on Mastodon:

If you wish to donate to the project you can do so through Paypal and Stripe:

Poking around with NoteCards I ran across this bitmap editor which comes with its library. Here Medley Interlisp is running on my Linux Mint system.

#interlisp #NoteCards #retrocomputing

"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.

Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism.

Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance."

-- Neil Postman

FOSS cloud software Nextcloud have updated their desktop client to version 3.14.1. This update fixes a variety of bugs. The code is licensed using GPLv2.0. The Nextcloud client is available through various distro repos, as an App Image, and through Flathub. The Nextcloud desktop client allows you to keep your files synchronized with your server.

The main website for the Nextcloud project is here:

The source code for the desktop client is available on Github:

The release notes for this update are here:

The Nextcloud project has a presence on Mastodon:

If you wish to help Nextcloud financially they don't accept donations but you can sponsor lots of developers that accept donations through Github:

F-Droid 1.20 is out. In this version, I overhauled how repositories are working. Read more in my blog post for @fdroidorg : #fdroid

Thanks to support from @NGIZero and @calyxos, I was able to improve Seedvault's app backup. Taking inspiration from @restic and @borgbackup 2, backups now use de-duplication, compression and chunking - resulting in smaller and faster backups. Snapshots allow you to restore previous states of your device. Available on free Androids soon.


Distrotube put out a video taking a look at Zorin OS. Certainly a distro that has the cosmetics down. Zorin OS is a distro based on Ubuntu for those that don't know.

Here is the offiical site in case you want to check out more about it:

Smoked Salmon Breakfast Recipe
Surprise your taste buds with this exquisite smoked salmon breakfast!

Preparation Time: 10 minutes | Cooking Time: 10 minutes | Servings: 3

For the Eggs:
4 eggs, whisked
½ teaspoon avocado oil
4 ounces smoked salmon, chopped

For the Green Onion Sauce:
1 cup coconut milk
½ cup cashews, soaked and drained
¼ cup green onions, chopped
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Salt and black pepper to taste
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Prepare the Green Onion Sauce:
In a blender, combine the soaked cashews, coconut milk, garlic powder, and lemon juice. Blend until smooth.
Season with salt and black pepper, and add the chopped green onions. Blend again until the ingredients are well combined.
Transfer the sauce to a bowl and refrigerate until ready to use.
Cook the Eggs:

Heat the avocado oil in a pan over medium-low heat.
Add the whisked eggs to the pan, gently whisking them as they cook until they are nearly set.
Transfer the eggs to a preheated broiler and cook until they are fully set.

Divide the eggs evenly onto three plates.
Top each portion with the chopped smoked salmon.
Drizzle the green onion sauce over the salmon-topped eggs.
Enjoy your elegant smoked salmon breakfast!

Nutritional Information per Serving:
Calories: 200
Fat: 10g
Fiber: 2g
Carbs: 11g
Protein: 15g

For more information and to explore keto diet plans, click here.▶️
FOSS XMPP client "Conversations" was updated to version 2.16.7. This update added a timeout to call initiation. The code is licensed using GPLv3.0. Conversations is a privacy friendly alternative to SMS. It's available for Android on F-Droid. It allows for end-to-end encryption with OMEMO or OpenPGP, has the ability to send and receive images, make encrypted audio and video calls, and more.

The main website for the project is here:

The source code is hosted on Codeberg:

The change log for this update is here:

The F-Droid page for Conversations is here:

The main developer, Daniel Gultsch, has a presence on Mastodon:

If you wish to help the project financially the main developer accepts donations through Liberapay, Github, and Paypal:

Traditionally, open source licenses have been enforced through the law of copyright.

However, arguably, open source licenses could also be enforced through the law of contracts.

Contracts can—under certain conditions—be enforced by third parties. Because they benefit from the contract, they can sometimes enforce the contract.


Thanks to Software Freedom Conservancy, this is probably the next best legal hack after #copyleft itself.

If you are looking to buy a new phone, consider #FLX1 from @furilabs. You can still run Android apps if you need to, but for most things you can use the same apps that you use on laptop (many of them adapted to fit on a smaller screen like I'm using Firefox right now). FuriOS is based on #Debian #Trixie. I have a Purism Librem 5, but most people in my circle find it very expensive/unaffordable, but FLX1 is very much comparable price to most Android phones of similar spec. #FreeSoftware.

Thanks to the bits and pieces collected by @isyourbrainFOSS we can now support the alert slider on the #Onplus6/6T to toggle #feedbackd's full/quiet/silent profiles.


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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.