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Jiffies : The Heartbeat of the #Linux Operating System

Sharad Raykhere writes: "'The interval between two system timer interrupt ticks is known as a jiffy in the #LinuxKernel. Think of them as the heartbeat of the #kernel, marking regular intervals at which the kernel performs essential timekeeping tasks.

The jiffies hold the number of ticks that have occurred since the system booted. The variable is initialized by the kernel to zero at boot, and it is increased […]'"

#Linux v6.12-rc1-rt1 is out:

If you wonder what's still in the RT-Tree now that #PREEMPT_RT support is upstream, checkout

In short: about 40 patches that among others switch 8250 to nbcon console, add support for ARM and PowerPC, or fix some drivers (like i915).

#Realtime #kernel #LinuxKernel

There has been a fork of the Godot game engine called Redot. It's in response to the Godot project mass banning people for political BS. I'd encourage anybody effected by the Godot nonsense that can't just up and switch to a different engine to use Redot.

"You can't say "guys" in the Godot "community.""

"Months ago members from the #GodotEngine community reached out to me looking for a 'safe place' to relate with other members of the community.

They complained that they were getting banned from ridiculous things like saying "guys"(which is supposedly not gender neutral)."

#Redot #Godot #Wokot #GodotEngine

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.