Due to American sanctions brought in by the Trump government against any oil tanker companies shipping crude oil (usually from Venezuela, to Cuba), Cuba has been operating with only about 30% of their usual crude oil supply.

There's no fuel for tractors, and people in the country side are back to plowing with oxen. Some don't even have that, and food production has been curtailed in the whole island.

This is the inhumanity of this cruel man at the helm, affecting a whole nation. A good article at the Guardian.


The Tourism sector which is the island's lifeline, is also hurting.


@realcaseyrollins It is a continuation and escallation of the now 60 year old Embargo against Cuba.

I found a quote from the article very relevant :

"When the US embargo on Cuba was introduced in the 1960s the goal, according to the US Department of State, was to “bring about hunger, desperation, and overthrow of the government”. "


There's a link to another article with more details about the oil transportation sanctions : theguardian.com/world/2019/oct

@design_RG More interventionism. Ew.

Cuba's regime definitely needs to be toppled, but preferably not by a seige.

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