How should people respond to the #Coronavirus?
How should the government react to the #Coronavirus?
@realcaseyrollins Shut down the whole economy.
@shampoobottle Why?
Apocalypse is funny.
@shampoobottle Not for you if you die.
LOLOL Shutting down the economy is exactly what should be done (temporarily) to halt spread of the infection and flatten out the curve of ICU cases. If Trump orders people to go back to work against the advice of medical professionals... IGNORE HIM. Do not go back to work. Yes, crash the economy so that we can reform and restructure it. DEATH TO NEOLIBERAL CAPITALISM FINALLY.
@SheChanges @shampoobottle Capitalism is the reason we're a better nation than others, and have been able to handle the #Coronavirus far better than them (so far). The second most important thing here is actually to make sure that capitalism lives on, and it seems likely to do so, so that's good news.
4. IIRC this was to help our economy. It doesn't really have anything to do with the pandemic specifically, just to help "smooth the curve" of a possible recession.
5. It is sad; many people do not learn from history, how terrible Nationalized healthcare is, and just accept a lot of the propaganda they're fed, extolling its praises.
Nationalized Healthcare unequivocally leads to a lower quality of healthcare. Perhaps you can live with it, but those who will die while waiting in line will undeniably not.
(I know certain people are susceptible to raging when exposed to Steven Crowder; if you happen to be one of these people, skip ahead to 6:05, when he begins to provide a lot of proof as to why America has the best healthcare system in the world. It will save you grief.)
6. I think we all understand that working class people need money. This is why #Trump wants this whole quarrantine business to be over with, so that people will stop getting laid off and can continue working.
Good for you for not listening to the #MSM. BTW. Alternative media isn't always necessarily better just because it's independent, but it helps keep up the integrity of the reporting, I feel. I watch Tim Pool a lot, as far as watching news on #YouTube. (I do find it funny that you linked to a video, not by independent content creators or journalists, but by The Hill.)
@SheChanges @shampoobottle Ack. I was afraid you'd be triggered by Steven Crowder and his facts.
Oh well.
Oh is that where you're getting this bullshit from. He's a loudmouthed Men's Rights Activist and Neoliberal Slob. Enjoy...
Wait...which one of us is supposed to be open minded again?
I watched your clip from Thom Hartmann, even though I don't like him. I watch his show from time to time, but I loathe it.
It is a shame you cannot do the same with Steven Crowder.
P.S. nice use of logic and facts "He's a loudmouthed Men's Rights Activist and Neoliberal Slob" lol. Name calling, that's the way to go!
I've watched him a couple of times... when he pointed out transgender bullshit.
@SheChanges @shampoobottle What did you think of the points he brought up in the video I just linked?
I can't stand your arguments. They're all wrong. I'm afraid I'm going to have to send you to Block Island, cause your wasting my time with your stubborn ignorance.
@realcaseyrollins @shampoobottle