
If people are so thirsty for approval/snowflakey that they feel the need to obey some rule on a whim, that's on them. They should actually do that. People made personal blocks on the for a reason.

But you being intolerant of controversial speech shouldn't mean entire should cancel the instance hosting someone you don't like. That's retarded. Like literally pea-brained.

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@realcaseyrollins I have German shepherds. You would not believe how many people don't want to come near my friendly dogs because they we're chased by a German Shepherd when they were a kid.

@realcaseyrollins I think most people realize there's a difference between someone being controversial, and someone going out of their way to be a gigantic flaming jackass. Society generally routes around the latter, justifiably so.

@realcaseyrollins Cancel culture is one of the worst of human impulses. Erase anything you disagree with. Learn nothing. Hitler would have loved #FediBlock. But the permanently offended seem intent on living in their ideological echo chambers.

@Korsier @realcaseyrollins blocked for complaining about blocking and having www in domain

@Korsier @realcaseyrollins

you have the right to speak. I DON’T have the duty to listen.

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