Man it's looking more and more like as the stats get retroactively corrected this is going to basically equate to a record year for flu deaths.

Partisan of me to say so, I know, I'm just looking at the trend here.

@realcaseyrollins thats what it has always seemed to me, but what do i know @freemo


Nothing about this changes the fact that it was as serious as they said. We always knew, and accounted for, the fact that many more were infected than tested. We also always knew that a large portion were asymptomatic though this doesnt change the fact that a large portion still died, these facts arent at odds either.


@freemo @realcaseyrollins I know its a lot to base off just one study, and to scale it towards the entire population, but if it were to that scale in that range (2.8-5.6%) wouldn't that bring the mortality rate down to somewhere between .02 and .06%? That added with the fact that COVID19 attributed deaths dont require a positive test, I'm just saying its not as dire as the media makes it out to be. Of course a lot of people died. A lot of people are always dying. Never good, but we don't do shit about the rest.


No there are sooooo many things wrong with that assumption.. putting aside anything to do with scaling that figure to the whole population you are forgetting one very fundamental fallacy in your thinking.. its called the False Positive Paradox..

In any disease where the number of people who have the disease is a minority of the population, even if the test for the disease has a very low false-positive rate then when you randomly sample and test the population the **overwhelming** majority of positive results will be false-positives.

this is a more specific form of the Base Rate Fallacy logic: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_rat



No I never said that. No studies show a high infection rate in terms of percentage of the population infected. New york city, for example, one of the worst hit is around a percentage point, most areas much lower.. it has a high R0 but the total number infected in terms of percentages are relatively low thankfully.



As far as I know that too was the same test as we are discussing here so subject to the same False Positive Paradox... point is we need other types of information, like what I discussed above, to really draw any sort of conclusion either way.


The people running the study must know about the Paradox; if so, why would they make such a worthless study?


I never said the study is worthless, its very valuable, it just doesnt draw the conclusion you (or the media) seems to think it draws.



For the moment it only provides data, it doesn't draw a conclusion. However over time as we acquire more data it will certainly help draw conclusions. If we do some of the things mentioned above than the data from that study, when used with other data of the nature I mentioned, can eventually be used to determine the actual percentage of people infected. But so far we dont have the data to do that.



Data and studies aside if we just look at the high profile people being infected and dieing or otherwise having severe complications should tell you something.

Actor Nick Cordero just had his leg amputated due to getting COVID-19, when the last time you heard of any celebrity getting a leg amputated due to the flu? Or all the high profile people who have died from COVID-19, again, when was the last time you heard of any famous person even dying of the flu?

Any studies or numbers aside its pretty clear even if this is over or under hyped, its a pretty serious disease.


@freemo Truthfully i don't know of anyone famous who has had it bad. Never heard of this guy you referenced lol @realcaseyrollins

@freemo @obi It just doesn't makes to me that the conclusion of a study saying that there are more infections than previously thought should not be that there are more infections than previously thought.

There's nothing about a False Positive Paradox that invalidates that conclusion.


Well that wasnt really the conclusion in the first place.. thought by whom?

All the experts up until then and still now at the moment would say the same thing.. we dont know the number infected very well.



You said "it was as serious as they said", but when @obi pointed out that the study shows that more infections means a lower death rate (meaning it's actually less serious than they said), you claim that the False Positive Paradox invalidates that conclusion. I would just like to know why.

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@freemo @realcaseyrollins I didn't even know the media was even covering this. I'm gonna go search it, wondering what they said now

@freemo That's interesting. Never knew false positives could go that high. Does this apply to this test tho? Because these people tested negitive to COVID19, but were had antibodies for it. Are antibody tests also susceptible to false positives? @realcaseyrollins


Every test has some degree of false-positive and false-negatives, yes.

@freemo So what do you do to account for that? Why are the studies even done if they don't mean anything? That's not meant to be snarky, honest question lol @realcaseyrollins


It isnt meaningless, you as the math on that link shows if you know the false positive rate, the size of the population, and a few other factors you can calculate the actual number of true-positive tests...

Right now we just dont have enough information to really caclulate that out is all. But this is one piece of the puzzle in getting there.


@freemo So more testing and larger scale testing and different region testing? Seems like that would help @realcaseyrollins


More tests, larger scale, specifically random testing, and case studies (identifying people actively infected and performing the tests on them even though we already know the results).. all of which should give us enough data to get a better idea of things


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