kind of funny to think that many people i know left the fediverse in favor of proprietary social media because at least there they can talk to whoever they want without being caught in the crossfire of admin fiefdoms
@kaniini can't blame them
I'd probably do the same if I couldn't run my own instance
@ivesen yeah, but then you have to change up your domain to get around thundercunt admins who think everyone who does not have the same ideology as them are fascist
@kaniini I don't really care when people block this instance, I just don't me association with smugs to get someone else in trouble
@ivesen you might care if that means you are cut off from interacting with old friends using the platform of your choice.
@kaniini @ivesen if they were friends they would use a better instance :comfyshrug:
@kaniini @mewmew you're making the assumption that my friends aren't being banned from twitter
@ivesen @mewmew

i would say in almost all cases, twitter's banning is less extreme than what has happened here, albeit flawed in its own way.
@kaniini @ivesen I agree with you. You know I dislike all the instance block drama. But for all of my friends I have brought to this platform, I've given them instances that I know won't join that to sign up on.
@mewmew @ivesen

that's great, if *you* control the onboarding, but if *you* do *not*, then it's a problem. and the largest source of onboarding have been admins who wanted to have their fiefdoms. you know exactly who i am talking about here, too.
@kaniini @ivesen yes, I do. and I agree with you. The Fediverse is currently flawed and currently nowhere near as popular as Twitter. I'm arguing that we shouldn't consider people on those instances as part of the network at all, for purposes of onboarding and network size.
@mewmew @ivesen

yes, but the problem is, when they are already burned by these instance admins, they wind up reverting back to twitter.

*many* people i know have shifted back the majority of their usage to twitter and similar services.

we lost, and it's Gargron's fault for both enabling and encouraging fiefdoms.
@kaniini @ivesen I think you're being fatalist here. If I asked 1000 people on Twitter or Instagram or Facebook about the Fediverse, 999 of them would probably have no idea what it is. We might have lost 0.1% of people, but there are far more who have no heard of the network yet.
@mewmew @ivesen

and why should we advertise something so dreadfully broken, when we could invest in SSB instead?
@kaniini @ivesen that's a different argument. I personally think this network is far superior to SSB.
@mewmew @ivesen

it is not superior, at all. instances are a total liability. you want to really solve decentralized social media, you have to solve the liabilities that instances bring, and the solution is to do away with them.
@mewmew @ivesen

there are dozens of people who have disappeared from my feed over the years, and vice versa. this leads to conversations like "so did you finally leave fedi?" and the other person being "huh?"

and, this is caused by admin actions, because some admins use their admin privilege to enforce their ideology. that's fine, but it means choosing an instance means choosing which fiefdom you want to be part of.

the proprietary services win because there is only one fiefdom.

@kaniini @mewmew @ivesen This is my biggest problem with the ; no neutral instances.

Why instances have to be either left or right leaning, I will never understand.

I'd love to try and make a neutral-type instance in the future, but the leftists hate me and it'd just end up being another right-wing instance, and end up getting blocked by half the fedi.

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@realcaseyrollins @kaniini @ivesen I think you're wrong here. My instance is pretty neutral. So are Kaniini's, last time I checked.
@mewmew @realcaseyrollins @ivesen

i don't run any public instance anymore.

my own blocking policy is determined based on pain in the ass levels.
@kaniini @ivesen @realcaseyrollins oh yeah, I forgot for a second that you gave up still, that instance seemed pretty neutral.
@mewmew @kaniini @ivesen @realcaseyrollins Yeah, was really the closest I could think of to the "neutral" instance being posited here. Absent them, maybe and out of public instances (RIP niu)
@realcaseyrollins @mewmew @ivesen @kaniini But they're *not* neutral as to how they're perceived by outsiders. There's a specific reason I singled out,, and (formerly) niu here

@kaniini @mewmew @ivesen That's fine, but I wouldn't call that "neutral".

Good example is that it bans but not

@realcaseyrollins @mewmew @ivesen @kaniini secure scuttle butt a different approach to decentralized social media
@realcaseyrollins @ckeen @mewmew @ivesen

secure scuttlebutt. it's like fediverse, but without instances.

you can run your own pub server, but users maintain their own identity independent of any given pub server.

this means that if two people wish to interact with each other, that's all that matters. no admins to get in the way of it.
@realcaseyrollins @kaniini @mewmew @ivesen except you don't need to setup DNS in ssb, the entry bar is way lower

@ckeen @mewmew @ivesen @kaniini So, the account is localized? Could I use my account hosted on my laptop from my phone? Or vice-versa?

@realcaseyrollins @mewmew @ivesen @kaniini your identity is a key pair and that's not portable last time I used it
@ckeen @realcaseyrollins @ivesen @mewmew

yes multi-device is the problem with scuttlebutt, but linking multiple keypairs together could be a solution.

@mewmew @realcaseyrollins @ivesen @kaniini i for one am a rabid nazi and if any left leaning folk are on my instance i ban them instantly. I also have a strict no jew policy.

@ivesen @kaniini @mewmew @realcaseyrollins Pleromains! Here is the program of a genuinely Pleromain movement. It is revolutionary because it is anti-dogmatic, strongly innovative and against prejudice.

For the political problem: We demand:

a) Universal suffrage polled on a regional basis, with proportional representation and voting and electoral office eligibility for women.

b) A minimum age for the voting electorate of 18 years; that for the office holders at 25 years.

c) The abolition of the Senate.

d) The convocation of a National Assembly for a three-years duration, for which its primary responsibility will be to form a constitution of the State.

e) The formation of a National Council of experts for labor, for industry, for transportation, for the public health, for communications, etc. Selections to be made from the collective professionals or of tradesmen with legislative powers, and elected directly to a General Commission with ministerial powers.

For the social problems: We demand:

a) The quick enactment of a law of the State that sanctions an eight-hour workday for all workers.

b) A minimum wage.

c) The participation of workers’ representatives in the functions of industry commissions.

d) To show the same confidence in the labor unions (that prove to be technically and morally worthy) as is given to industry executives or public servants.

e) The rapid and complete systemization of the railways and of all the transport industries.

f) A necessary modification of the insurance laws to invalidate the minimum retirement age; we propose to lower it from 65 to 55 years of age.

For the military problem: We demand:

a) The institution of a national militia with a short period of service for training and exclusively defensive responsibilities.

b) The nationalization of all the arms and explosives factories.

c) A national policy intended to peacefully further the Italian national culture in the world.

For the financial problem: We demand:

a) A strong progressive tax on capital that will truly expropriate a portion of all wealth.

b) The seizure of all the possessions of the religious congregations and the abolition of all the bishoprics, which constitute an enormous liability on the Nation and on the privileges of the poor.

c) The revision of all military contracts and the seizure of 85 percent of the profits therein.

@mewmew @realcaseyrollins @ivesen @kaniini It seems to me that on some sites that the admins are the problem, on others the users are and on a small number it's both. It's definitely a challenge to have that right balance of easy going admins and user base.

@realcaseyrollins #Purism has done a good job of attracting a wide mix of people to their instance and the admins are pretty level headed so #LibremSocial is pretty neutral. @kaniini @mewmew @ivesen

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