It's funny to me, when an instance's internal Block List is longer than their own Users List.

Rage on, love.

@realcaseyrollins you know this fella, frequent poster in that FediBlock zoo hashtag. 😜

@realcaseyrollins LOL. you remember him, right?

Mr all important SysAdmin. That's him all right.

There's a young lady who also frequents that hashtag; I ws curious and visited her instance.

The MOST complicated, long and convoluted Rules list I have EVER seen. No kidding, honest to God.

...her and a dozen others or so. And, the fediblock strutting posts. Ban!! Blok!!! BLOCKK!! 😜

@design_RG Haha, I remember the drama, and I even remember that was mentioned, but never paid them much heed, just spoke out against the ridiculousness

@realcaseyrollins I just looked up the hashtag the other day, to see what was up, and saw that you had gone in and given them grief, lol...

It's funny how those people expect to go out and attack someone or some instance, and react all surprised when the target finds out and fires back in their threads.

We had that happen too, I got into a nice argument with someone who did exactly that. This person went on, left their instance at the time, joined another one.

Ascended to Mod status (!!) and created a first class shitstorm that almost closed that instance for good. Honestly.

I think the instance is still there, but their admin left, as did the other moderator, who from my reading their posts was a sensible person.

@realcaseyrollins Yeah, it is like that.

And these people are using the Fediblock hash to try and pressure more and more instances into doing what they are doing.

Not only users in their own niches, but remote admins, who could effectively de-federate their own instances based on these "recommendations".

Drama, yes.

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