@realcaseyrollins Jews as a people are wonderful people and all, but fuck Israel, cant say I'm too fond of Iran either though.

@freemo I generally like but they aren't perfect, and they certainly can't carry on doing stuff like this.


As far as I'm concerned Israel shouldnt even exist as a nation and its nothing short of genocide what they have done and are doing to palestine. So I am never going to be happy with the country from a government perspective. But I dont hold any ill will towards the citizens themselves or Jews in general.

@realcaseyrollins This.. though keep in mind there is one frame farther to the left not shown here where the whole area is entierly green and no israel exists at all.

@realcaseyrollins Ahh it would seem there is a big chunk of history there you didnt learn.. I'll give you the cliff notes...

Prior to WWII there were now Jews in Israel (called Palestine at the time). Palestine itself was populated entierly by palestinians and had a nomadic desert society coupled with a handful of urban areas, all populated by Palestinians.

After WWII there were a bunch of displaced Jews from the war who refused to go back to Germany where they used to live. As part of the talks at the newly forming UN (of which palestine was not included) they were given sections of land as their own taken away from Palestine without their permission, which they had no way to defend against.

Immediately the Palestinians of course objected and rallied against having their own sovereign land taken away from them. Other middle-eastern nations generally supported the Palestinians. As such a war for them to keep their homeland effectively began that continues to this day.

Since Israel/Jews were backed by much more powerful nations like the USA despite their much smaller numbers and otherwise lack of resources they had a significant upper hand and quickly fought back the Palestinians.

Over the years the Jews continually took more and more land from them for themselves and kicked out the Palestinians who lived there while the USA and other nations kept supporting the Israli side of the war effort.

Now in modern times most of the Palestinian land has been taken from them and owned by Israel. The Palestinians have been forced to live in very small plots of lands and effectively now survive in falling apart ghettos with little fresh water or education to sustain them and very little ability to fight back.

@freemo Interesting. I had originally thought that the Jew originally lived in the land that the are currently occupying.

@realcaseyrollins That is the claim by the Jews, but when they say that they mean thousands of years ago, at which point they were kicked out and now "reclaiming" it after thousands of years.

The Palestinians however are the ones who have been living tghere over those thousands of years.

@freemo Hmm...so, the Palestine? kicked out Israel, so now Israel wants to kick out Palestine?

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