I've been having the same dream that continues night after night for 3 days now. Not a recurring dream exactly.. just the same "universe" every time and each time in the dream I have memory of where things left off from the last dreams.

Very odd, this is unusual for me.


@freemo Ooh! I used to have those when I was way younger! They were super fun and motivated me to go to bed so I could see what happens next, lol

I hope your dream series is pleasant, or exciting.

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@realcaseyrollins Its bizare, scary, but interesting. There is a magickal white lodge in a woods only people with magical powers know how to get to. Every night a demon comes and I have to fight the demon and keep the demon out of the lodge where I sometimes protect people inside.

I was brought tot he lodge the first time by some taxi cab where one of the drivers looked like he was out of a primus video...

weird shit.

@realcaseyrollins Probably would. I'm leaving out a lot of details too like the goth chicks in the upper room of the lodge behind a velevet rope that I had to walk through at one point who were being fairly sexual, almost like a strip club or something.

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