hmm 🤔

(also before yall give me shit i literally can't unsubscribe from these)

currently running a thing to listen to the Madison WI Public Safety trunked radio system

madison police stuff 

holy fuck it's lighting up what's going on

they have tear gas i think
"swat en route with more gas"

madison police stuff 

"[unintelligible] throwing at windows now"

madison police stuff 

what the FUCK does "projectile [jets]"? mean?? also sth abt county law enforcement moving in??

madison police stuff 

very unhappy dispatcher for metro: "avoid state street; a lot of debris on upper state street. i hope you're picking up"

madison police stuff 

"push to park: platoons in single file lines; we'll walk back to capital"

madison police stuff 

apparently some white dipshit woman drove her car into the crowd. and now people broke a jeweller's window and threw shit and police are gassing people

madison police stuff, graphic 

"see if we can identify any leaders -- people who need to be 95'd or arrested"

madison police stuff 

window to another shop has been smashed (urban outfitters)

madison police stuff 

fire department responding, alerting tone on trunking system


madison police stuff 

Hope they can get in. EMTs got attacked and chased away from scenes from what I heard yesterday

madison police stuff 

@realcaseyrollins yeah they were responding to medical calls and i really hope they can get in

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