Wow, many new users here - welcome everyone! :blobcatpeek: feel free to ask me any questions.

I am curious, was there an event that caused many people to migrate here?

@mewmew I like this place because it's quite a small/convenient place for me to start.

I wasn't satisfied with Twitter at all. Seeing racist, sexist, political tweets, and what happened to George Floyd, has made me very upset.

Deviantart didn't make it either, nor Tumblr or Instagram.

I need a place where I can take feedbacks and advice, instead of being ignored in the public.
I will always be ignored, but at least I can feel more confident when I post art in a more private place. I want to get out of the toxic community, and join somewhere else nicer.

That's when I decided to join Mastodon, this instance, busshi moe. I didn't join because it already felt like in the public, with more than 10k users.

Apologize for the long reply, but if you have read this far, I am thankful.

@KhoiDauMinh @mewmew " Seeing racist, sexist, political tweets, and what happened to George Floyd, has made me very upset. "

i recommend sticking to your instance's public timeline.

@realcaseyrollins @Ox @KhoiDauMinh yes, but that is not generally what people here interact with.

@mewmew @realcaseyrollins @KhoiDauMinh nonetheless, it's a very heated time right now. i think it's impossible to avoid politics rn.

@Ox @mewmew @KhoiDauMinh I mean there are wholesome , , and various bots

My alt is completely non-political (it's designed mostly to calm me down if I'm amped or in a bad headspace), maybe check their followers if you want non-political stuff

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.